Jan 31, 2024

Power BI DAX measure to lookup value from other table without Merging two tables

 Lookup_Name = LOOKUPVALUE(details[Name],details[SId],Dataset1[SId])

Here we are creating this measure under Dataset1 to pickup Name field from details table.

Note: If we have more than one matching row for the same ID, either one or second row value will be populated.

Power BI Measure - DAX query to count string values

 Total =

VAR Count1= [field1]
VAR Count2=[field2]
VAR T1= SWITCH(TRUE(), SELECTEDVALUE(dataset1[IsRequired])="Yes",Count1, SELECTEDVALUE(dataset1[IsRequired])="NA",Count2)
Return T1

Power BI DAX Measure to calculate value based on another column

IsValid = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(Con[TId]), Con[Required]="Yes" && Con[TId]=BLANK())

Power BI to ignore or fitler certain values from the report using Calculated Column

 CountryCheck = IF((Dataset[Name]="ABC" && Dataset[Country]<> "Canada"),0,1)

more conditions can be added and apply filter CountryCheck !=0

Power BI URL formation dynamically

 URL = MAX('links'[ReportUrl]) & if(ISFILTERED(User[UserID]), "&UserID=" & SELECTEDVALUE(User[UserID]),"")

It help to form report URL with any field as filter in the new report that we can use.