Mar 19, 2010

SQL Shortcut keys

CTRL-SHIFT-F2 -- Clear all bookmarks.
CTRL+F2 -- Insert or remove a bookmark (toggle).
F2 -- Move to next bookmark.
SHIFT+F2 -- Move to previous bookmark.
ALT+BREAK -- Cancel a query.
CTRL+O -- Connect.
CTRL+F4 -- Disconnect.
CTRL+F4 -- Disconnect and close child window.
ALT+F1 -- Database object information.
CTRL+SHIFT+DEL -- Clear the active Editor pane.
CTRL+SHIFT+C -- Comment out code.
CTRL+C or Ctrl+Insert -- Copy
CTRL+X or Shift+Del -- Cut
SHIFT+TAB -- Decrease indent.
CTRL+DEL -- Delete through the end of a line in the Editor pane.
CTRL+F -- Find.
CTRL+G -- Go to a line number.
TAB -- Increase indent.
CTRL+SHIFT+L -- Make selection lowercase.
CTRL+SHIFT+U -- Make selection uppercase.
CTRL+V or Shift+Insert -- Paste.
CTRL+SHIFT+R -- Remove comments.
F3 -- Repeat last search or find next.
CTRL+H -- Replace.
CTRL+A -- Select all.
CTRL+Z -- Undo.
F5 or Ctrl + E -- Execute a query.
F1 -- Help for Query Analyzer.
SHIFT+F1 -- Help for the selected Transact-SQL statement.
F6 -- Switch between query and result panes.
Shift+F6 -- Switch panes.
CTRL+W -- Window Selector.
CTRL+N -- New Query window.
F8 -- Object Browser (show/hide).
F4 -- Object Search.
CTRL+F5 -- Parse the query and check syntax.
CTRL+P -- Print
CTRL+D -- Display results in grid format.
CTRL+T -- Display results in text format.
CTRL+B -- Move the splitter.
CTRL+SHIFT+F -- Save results to file.
CTRL+R -- Show Results pane (toggle).
CTRL+S -- Save
CTRL+SHIFT+INSERT -- Insert a template.
CTRL+SHIFT+M -- Replace template parameters.
CTRL+L -- Display estimated execution plan.
CTRL+K -- Display execution plan (toggle ON/OFF).
CTRL+I -- Index Tuning Wizard.
CTRL+SHIFT+S -- Show client statistics
CTRL+SHIFT+T -- Show server trace.
CTRL+U -- Use database

Mar 5, 2010

find sqlserver Edition lervel(like SP1)

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

Mar 4, 2010

SSRS deployment and open

to open Report in local

Deploy report with
TargetServerURL as : http://localhost/ReportServer
this we can update in Report properties window