Concat({<[Aggregation Level 1] = p([Aggregation Level 1])>} [Aggregation Level 1], ',')
to use the list as values/column name in the expressions
Concat({<[Aggregation Level 1] = p([Aggregation Level 1])>} [Aggregation Level 1], ',')
to use the list as values/column name in the expressions
Here is the video to update /keep drill through selection on for as many as pages we want.
Choose the date field and enter below expression in the dropdown. it will accept and change the format accordingly.
my sample data is in EST and no hours difference and I just hardcoded EST at the end. conversion needed if the data tracked in the different time zone.
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM "EST"
Rank = RANKX(all(Sheet1),Sheet1[Column1],,DESC)
Lookup_Name = LOOKUPVALUE(details[Name],details[SId],Dataset1[SId])
Here we are creating this measure under Dataset1 to pickup Name field from details table.
Note: If we have more than one matching row for the same ID, either one or second row value will be populated.
Total =
IsValid = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(Con[TId]), Con[Required]="Yes" && Con[TId]=BLANK())
CountryCheck = IF((Dataset[Name]="ABC" && Dataset[Country]<> "Canada"),0,1)
more conditions can be added and apply filter CountryCheck !=0
URL = MAX('links'[ReportUrl]) & if(ISFILTERED(User[UserID]), "&UserID=" & SELECTEDVALUE(User[UserID]),"")
It help to form report URL with any field as filter in the new report that we can use.